Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

visiting KBS (Keluarga Besar Simo)

Yesterday, I decided to visit wima's home. I went to wima's home to finish my homework. I could not do the homework my self. So I needed my friends helped. Wima's house located in Simo Sidomulyo V. It was the first time I went to there, when Iwas there, members KBS was not complete. Members of KBS consist of Wima, Habul,, Ikhsan, Fahmi, Adin, Septian, Dimor and Doni. The "Icon" of KBS was SYIHABUL, because her behavior could make me Laught. Although Habul behaviour always make the other's annoyance, we loved Habul very much.Eko Wahyu Candra(7311040023)

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