This picture has been taken a picture in one of elementary school in Pacet region, this located in foot of the mountain . At the time, our campus exactly HIMA Electrical Industry has one social activity, this name “ Bhakti Desa “ We given some a book in the elementary school, other we also as a teacher in this school. After we took some book in school library, some students as soon as read this book. They read on beside the classroom. They have a spirit to study. I was very surprise. Because, although their school at the mountain, but their spirit to study is very big. The spirit like the mountain which the located their school. I took the picture because I’m interesting about their spirit to study. Although the day has been rain, they still study. Rain is not factor to stopping their study. Although they are children, they have been found to solution if they in condition rain. I am very surprise, because the school is different of other school. Why it is different? Because the school although in mountain, but it has many facilities .There are a list of score, scientific module, and the wall of class is full color and clean. Other, the student has culture each other. Such as, They are using Java language to ask something. For example They say “ Kulo” to ask something. “ Kulo” is “ I ” in English language. Other , Every student also has a food from their home, so they eat with other in their class.
By TRIA TIARA PUTRA 7311040010
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