Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Jack Andrew Garry Wilshere

His name is Jack Andrew Garry Wilshere. His nick name is Jack Wilshere. He is 19 years old. His height is 173 cm. Wilshere has short hair and brown hair. He has a sharp nose. He has brown eyes. He is young. He has medium height. He is white, he has fair skin. He is handsome. He is aggressive person. He is ambitious person. He is very dangerous person when he is playing football.  He is talented person.  
          Wilshere was born in Stevenage (England) on January 01, 1992. He is a football player. He play in Arsenal fc. He play as a midfilder in Arsenal. Wilshere is  the young player with a amazing talent. He is become the youngest player in English Premier League (EPL) for Arsenal at 16 years old and 256 days and make his first goal for Arsenal when Arsenal versus Sheffield United in Carling Cup.

BY : GERRY FATCULLOH ( 7311040017 ) 

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